The Lancaster Camera Club, based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, is a friendly club where you can improve all aspects of your photography.
The club usually meets on the 1st Monday of each month at Mellinger Mennonite Church, 1916 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA.
What We Do: Club meetings often involve guest speakers or hands-on workshops. We also hold regular competitions using local experienced photographers as judges. There are up to four Club Competitions per year in which members can participate. Even more than for “competition,” these events are for sharing our work, learning and refining our skills, and growing as photographers. From time to time informal ‘challenges’ are posted in our Facebook group; you may enjoy participating in those online activities!
The club has a Facebook page (The Lancaster Camera Club) as well as a Facebook group: Lancaster Camera Club (PA, USA). Look also to the Facebook page and group for club news updated by members of our board. The Facebook group is a good place to communicate with other members and share pictures. There is a less active group on Flickr under “Lancaster Camera Club” that you can help to activate!
Drop us an email at